Our Lifetime Members
Thank you to our lifetime members. Your support, generosity, and dedication has helped 2nd Street Performing Arts Center grow into a vibrant performing arts organization. Your passion is keeping the arts alive and enhancing the quality of life for our communities. We are truly grateful for your constant support, friendship, and dedication.
Deborah Aue-Delgado
Charlene Bauer
Jane Beier
Joel Bias
Ashley Blevins
Charles Bollman
Terry Bucciarelli
Loretta Bullock
Lucinda Chavez
Karen Connor
Denny Connors
Donald Corbin
Jennifer Cowan
Kristin Davis
Michele Devins
Robert Douglas
Cheryl Eagal
Gene & Jeanne Edwards
Jennifer Goodman
Dylan Hart
Tamara Hornby
Cheryl Irving
Jodie Jackson
Denise Kowalewski-Tucker
Donna Meinke
Sandra Noble
Charlotte O’Dea
Alan Parenteau
Amy Parenteau
Peggy Partrich
Diane Paul
Jeffrey Powers
Alphonse Ruffner
​Lucy Ruffner​
Scott Russell
Claudia Sendo
Jim Steele
Craig Stevens
Dale Sturm
Michelle Sturm
Keith Swaffar
Robert Swek
Greg Thole
Mo Thomas
Karen Thompson
Grace Thompson
Brian Welch
Edward Zellner
Ann Zimmerman

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the difference between a participation fee and a Lifetime Member?
A. Downriver Actors Guild has required individuals who are participating in their productions to purchase a participation fee. Participation fees help defer the cost of the production expenses and will cover the individual under our insurance.
Q. Am I covered by your insurance if I am not Lifetime Member?
A. Yes. Downriver Actors Guild, in conjunction with their 10 year anniversary, wanted to give back to the our members and make theater more affordable. Beginning with the 2020 - 2021 season you will no longer be required to purchase a membership and participation fee to be involved with one of our productions. The membership fee has been absorbed into the participation fee. By purchasing a participation fee you will be considered a member of Downriver Actors Guild for that season.
Q. When I purchased a membership in the past, I received two tickets for the season. Will I still receive tickets with my participation fee?
A. No. Participation fees do not include tickets for our productions.
Q. What if I only want to work backstage or help with concessions? How will I become a member without paying for a participation fee? How will I be covered by your insurance?
A. Participation fees are required by the performers in our productions. In order to be considered a member, individuals that are not performing will be required to purchase a membership for $5.00. The $5.00 membership is available in the DAG Store and will cover the individual for that one season. Memberships will need to be purchased for each season.
Q. Can I just purchase the $5.00 membership instead of the participation fee and still perform in the production?
A. No. All performers in the production are required to pay the participation fee.
Q. What is the difference between a Lifetime Membership and the old membership?
A. Lifetime Membership means you are considered a member of Downriver Actors Guild for life. You will not be required to purchase a membership each year. You will also receive two tickets each per season which can be used for any of our main stage productions.
Q. If I am a Lifetime Member does that mean my spouse, significant other, children are Lifetime Members?
A. No. Lifetime Membership is granted to an individual. Lifetime membership benefits do not extend to spouses, significant others, or family members unless those individuals were granted a Lifetime Membership or if they purchased a Lifetime Membership during the promotion.
Q. If I am a Lifetime Member does that mean only I can use the two tickets?
A. No. The tickets can be used at the Lifetime Members' discretion. If the Lifetime Member chooses to reserve the tickets and give them to a family member or friend, that is their decision.
Q. Can my family member or friend call to reserve my Lifetime Member tickets?
A. No. Downriver Actors Guild requires the Lifetime Member to reserve the tickets. This is an effort to ensure nobody is reserving the Lifetime Member's tickets without their knowledge. Once the tickets are reserved the Lifetime Member is free to distribute the tickets as they wish.
Q. My spouse and I both purchased Lifetime Memberships. Do we both have voting rights?
A. No. Voting rights have not changed. Per the By-Laws each household only receives one vote at elections and special assemblies. If two Lifetime Members reside at the same household they will only receive one vote.
Q. I purchased a Lifetime Membership, but now I am moving. Can I give my Lifetime Membership to my mother or can my membership fee be refunded?
A. No. Lifetime Memberships are not refundable or transferable.

Terms and Conditions
1. Lifetime Memberships are granted by the Board of Governors or were available for purchased from May 1, 2020 through August 31, 2020.
2. Lifetime Members will receive two (2) tickets per season. Tickets may be used for any main stage production at Downriver Actors Guild (excludes fundraisers, dinner theater, and special events).
3. Tickets for productions must be reserved by the member. Downriver Actors Guild cannot accept a request for tickets from anyone other than the member.
4. Lifetime Memberships are not refundable or transferable.
5. Lifetime Members must be in good standing. The Board of Directors reserves the right to review a member’s standing, and may revoke their Lifetime Membership without refund, based on majority vote.
6. Lifetime Members receive voting privileges at all elections and special assemblies that require a membership vote. Per the Downriver Actors Guild By-Laws, only one vote per household is permitted. Lifetime Members living in the same household will only receive one vote.
7. Downriver Actors Guild reserves the right to modify the Lifetime Membership terms and conditions at any time.​
Member in Good Standing
Member in good standing is the status assigned to a Member of Downriver Actors Guild when he or she has upheld the guidelines set forth in the Actors Agreement, and has not intentionally harmed the organization, a member, patron, or guest. Being a Member in good standing affirms the Member’s commitment to the vision of Downriver Actors Guild, reflected in its By-Laws and Actor’s Agreement, to which all members are bound. It is expected that members in good standing will work collaboratively to strengthen the organization and will not engage in any activities that put Downriver Actors Guild in financial or structural jeopardy, subject another member, patron, or guest to intentional physical harm, nor engage in any activities that will bring discredit to the organization.
Financial or structural jeopardy is defined as causing financial harm to the organization through embezzlement, theft, or misappropriation of funds. Unintentional financial harm such as negligence can be subject to disciplinary action.
Physical harm is defined as intentional bodily harm inflicted by a member to another member, patron, or guest. Physical harm includes vandalism to any and all property owned, borrowed, or in the care of Downriver Actors Guild. Physical harm is subject to immediate disciplinary and/or legal action.
Discredit to the organization is defined as falsifying information which sullies the reputation of Downriver Actors Guild either through malicious intent or conjecture. This includes threats against the organization and/or its members, patrons, or guests. Undocumented or unsupported information provided to the public or media, whether intentional or negligent, which brings harm to organization is cause for disciplinary action and or liable.